The Center for Prehistoric Research (CPR) is dedicated to study and presentation
of prehistory in the Republic of Macedonia and abroad. Considering the rich
cultural heritage from this period, CPR’s primary goal is to enable a thorough
understanding of the life of the prehistoric communities while applying numerous scientific methods. CPR’s members are archaeologists who study Paleolithic,
Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age from different aspects. Within
their activities, archaeological sites are being studied and presented, as are the
material culture, chronology and the geographical features of prehistory, so they
could be interpreted applying the current theoretical models. Apart from the
research activities, CPR organizes scientific round tables, workshops and conferences that actualize the problems of prehistoric archaeology. Moreover, CPR
publishes editions that present the latest acknowledgments regarding the cultural heritage in the Republic of Macedonia.
CPR cooperates with several domestic and international institutions and creates
a platform for a future networking in projects that will thoroughly examine and
present this period. Within these cooperations students and young professionals
are being trained through inclusion in field research, lab analyses, expert publications and public scientific events. As a result of these activities, CPR significantly impacts the application of new scientific approaches and ethical norms in
the Macedonian archaeology. Thus, by presenting the cultural heritage through
research, scientific debates and publications, CPR has a direct influence over
the popularization of prehistory and the protection of sites and material culture
originating from this period. CPR’s aim is to enhance the cooperation among experts and institutions that will strengthen the scientific ethics and the research
methods applied in prehistoric archaeology.
Center for Prehistoric Research
Goce Naumov
Conference organizers:
Goce Naumov,
Valentina Todoroska,
Ljubo Fidanoski,
Nikos Chausidis,
Gjore Milevski,
Aneta Fidanoska,
Nevenka Atanasoska,
Blagoja Kitanoski, Zlata Blazeska, Aleksandar Murgoski, Andrej Machkovski
Translation and editing:
Andriana Dragovic
Miško Tutkovski
Booklet design:
Filip Mitrov
Conference logo:
Nikos Chausidis
Ljubo Fidanoski
Gjore Milevski
© 2016 Center for Prehistoric Research